An Analysis of Non-market Economy Status in Chinese Foreign Trade from Legal Perspective 我国对外贸易中的非市场经济地位问题探析&从法律的视角
Washington, which classifies China as a "non-market economy", previously confined punitive measures against Chinese imports to anti-dumping duties. 华盛顿方面将中国归为“非市场经济”,以前针对中国产品的惩罚措施仅限于反倾销税。
Thus, it's essential to make a research on the non-market economy rules of antidumping legislation and practice of US. 原因是多方面的和复杂的,但可以肯定的说,美国反倾销法对我国的不公平的非市场经济待遇难辞其咎。
But the trade watchdog found that the extra duties should not be applied to all Chinese exporters indiscriminately, even though Europe treats China as a non-market economy for trade purposes. 但世贸组织这个全球贸易监督组织裁定,额外关税不应一刀切地适用于所有中国出口商,即使在贸易方面,欧洲把中国视为非市场经济体。
A non-market economy in which government intervention is important in allocating goods and resources and determining prices. 政府干涉分配商品和资源起重要作用的非市场经济。
Paid nannies and cleaners employed by working women now also do some work that used to belong in the non-market economy. 被有工作的妇女雇佣的有薪保姆和清洁工也承担了一部分过去属于非市场经济成分的工作。
This reversed a 23-year-old policy of not imposing countervailing duties on a non-market economy. 这使23年来不附加抵消性关税的政策转变为一种非市场经济政策。
The Research of Non-market Economy Status under Special Safeguard Aimed at China 对华特保措施法律制度下的非市场经济地位研究
The Implications of Non-market Economy Status on the Development of China's Foreign Trade 非市场经济地位与我国对外贸易的发展
So we must find the reasons why China is considered a Non-market Economy Country. 因此,我们有必要对我们被认定为非市场经济国家的原因进行分析。
Non-Market Economy Country Status and Anti-Dumping Toward China 非市场经济国家地位与对华反倾销
Labeling China as a non-market economy country, western countries have long been applying surrogate country approach to determine the normal value of Chinese goods. 由于西方诸国一直将我国视为非市场经济国家,因而在反倾销诉讼中西方国家对中国出口产品适用替代国制度来确定我国产品的正常价值。
As to the subsidy issues, China has accepted to be treated as a non-market economy country when it entered WTO so that studies on subsidy are relatively inefficient in China. 我国在入世时对补贴问题作出了接受非市场经济待遇的承诺,因此,补贴领域并未受到国人较多的关注。
The most controversial part in the anti-dumping against China is whether China is a Non-market Economy Country. 国外对华反倾销诉讼中最具争议性的问题就是“非市场经济国家”的问题。
Among the complicated economical and political reasons why Chinese enterprises have been frequently accused of dumping in the foreign markets, the "Non-market economy ( NME)" status inflicted on China is the most important one, which just reflects the complication. 我国企业在国际贸易中不断遭受美、欧等西方国家发起反倾销立案调查,有复杂的经济和政治原因,但中国的非市场经济地位问题是一个集中反映这种复杂性的重要原因。
The Analysis on Chinese Non-market Economy Status in Anti-dumping 中国在反倾销中的非市场经济地位分析
This article, from economic, legal and political point of view, extends a comprehensive analysis and demonstration about the non-market economy problem of China. 本文试图从经济、法律和政治多个角度,对中国面临的非市场经济问题进行全面分析和论证。
They also believe that it is the non-market economy status that frees China from the threat of countervailing investigations. 这一观点还认为,正是由于我国的非市场经济地位才使得我国可以免遭反补贴调查的威胁。
The Discrimination of the Western Countries 'Anti-dumping against the Non-Market Economy Nations 西方国家对非市场经济国家反倾销的歧视性
On the base of lots of American anti-dumping cases, the author concludes American policy and practice towards China as following: treating China as a non-market economy country; 在综合研究了大量美国反倾销案例的基础上,作者总结了美国对华反倾销的政策与实务:一直给予中国非市场经济国家待遇;
Rational Analysis of China's Non-market Economy Status 中国非市场经济地位的理性分析
The subrogate country system is a special system for non-market economy country to calculate the normal value. 替代国制度是反倾销法中针对非市场经济国家的一种特殊的计算正常价值方法的制度。
On China's Strategies for Dealing with Non-market Economy Under WTO 论中国在WTO框架下应对非市场经济的策略
Research on the Effect of Sino-American Trade by the Non-market Economy Status 非市场经济地位对中美贸易影响研究
The Relevance of the Non-market Economy Clause to the Construction of China's Socialist Market Economy System 非市场经济条款与完善我国市场经济体制
Chapter Two exposits the criterions and compositions of the market economy hi the view of anti-dumping, with the focus of the present condition of Chinese market economy development and the embarrassment that Chinese non-market economy faces in anti-dumping. 第二章,从反倾销角度概述了市场经济的标准及构成要素,重点分析了我国市场经济发展的现状及我国市场经济地位在反倾销中面临的困境。
This part introduces the influences of the act to non-market economy countries in detail and proposes some corresponding measures non-market economy countries should take to deal with the countervailing investigation to them initiated by the United States. 该部分详细介绍了《法案》对非市场经济体的影响,并提出了非市场经济体今后应对美国正当和不正当反补贴调查的相应对策。
The EU anti-dumping rules of non-market economy is based on certain sources of law have evolved. 第一部分为欧盟反倾销法中非市场经济规则的概述,欧盟反倾销法中的非市场经济规则是在一定的法律渊源基础上逐步形成的。
Non-market economy country should be based on the normal value of products ( not based on the price of its domestic product) of the surrogate country to determine the price of the product. 欧盟对于非市场经济国家产品的正常价值要依据替代国的产品价格来确定,而不能依据本国国内产品的价格。
Before that, the western countries did not apply countervailing acts to the non-market economy countries. 在此之前,欧美发达国家认为反补贴法并不适用于非市场经济国家。